Fibromyalgia, M.E and CFS

Do you want to naturally remove or reduce pain and fatigue, enabling you to get back to work, or enjoy life again? You have come to the right place.

Are you ready to feel better?

My clients report so many wider benefits once their aches, pain and fatigue is removed or reduce. You could experience them too:

  • You might go be able to go back to work or work more hours, bringing in more money for your family to enjoy
  • Your family and friends may see a brighter, happier you
  • You might get that zest for life back and see the sparkle in your eyes again
  • You just might be nicer to be around - understandable as you aren't experiencing the pain and discomfort
  • Most of all though, be careful as you may well be pain and discomfort free pretty quickly
  • The process is quick and online, so from the comfort of your own home

I work with you for your unique experience. No two clients are ever the same. Everyone has their own experiences and causes for pain. The first step to being Pain free is to schedule a call to discuss your situation

Do you owe it to yourself and to those who care for you to remove or reduce your pain?

The next step starts with you but is easy - just click the button below to schedule a free 15 minute, no obligation video call to discover your unique plan.

My thoughts on Fibromyalgia, ME and CFS

Many people I talk to with Fibromylagia seem to told by their doctor that there is nothing that can be done, other than pain management. Often this Pain management is ineffective. They are really surprised to hear that actually many sufferers now have a pain free life.

I am not a medical doctor. Medical professionals may not agree with the following theories. All I know is that working with people under the basis of the following theory CAN and does work.

The Subconscious mind is responsible for Pain

I have trained in many techniques to deal with pain, including OldPain2Go ®. I am a qualified practitioner, taught by the founder Steven Blake. OldPain2Go is a a revolutionary method in working with clients to become pain free or reducing the pain to a manageable level. This technique is effective and rapid and clients often think they are just having a conversation - because they pretty much are! It is particularly effective on Fibromylagia, ME and Chronic Pain Syndrome. Having said that, I may use other techniques if I deem them appropriate.

These techniques talk to you in a special way on a subconscious level to eliminate this pain. You won't notice and you would probably think it is nice and relaxing.

The causes for sufferers of ME, CFS and Fibromyalgia are often similar amongst sufferers

I believe that people who have Fibromyalgia, M.E. or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome all share similar attributes in that they are highly driven. Perhaps this is the complete opposite of what their friends or family might think - being in constant pain and incapacitated could easily give out this impression. In fact their “driven” personal quality, is often the root of all their conditions.

What is so common with people suffering from Fibromylagia, ME or CFS is that sufferers regularly pushed themselves to their physical or mental capacity – or both. They are the exact opposite of lazy, hence their understandable frustration and sensitivity to people thinking they are, or that they bring it on themselves.

Perhaps you can relate to this scenario:

You are likely to be a highly driven person and have always pushed yourself to the limit, mentally and physically. You will typically have a greater concern for looking after others than yourself. The illness starts with one or more of the following; a viral infection, severe illness (other), vaccination, severe stress or a traumatic accident/incident (the trigger), etc.

Several weeks later when you anticipate you should be feeling better, you now have the illness that gives you the chronic fatigue and pain symptoms. This continues for many years, if not for life, whilst you become more and more frustrated by lack of diagnosis, answers or remedies. You may even accumulate more illnesses as your immune system overloads.

People are often unaware or misled that long-lasting help is not available

At some point you will feel so low for so long that your internal voice will keep repeating a phrase that reflects the terrible thought that you are never going to recover. As you rarely look poorly, you also have the issue of not only feeling very ill but having to convince others that you are. Their comments are far from helpful and are in total opposition to the driven person you know you are. This adds to the pressure and continues the downward spiral. At times you may be lucky enough to feel a bit better but whilst playing catch up with life you find it is the fatigue and pain that catches you up.

Whether you feel this is you or not, the symptoms of Fibro, CFS and ME are surprisingly easy to remove or reduce.

Can you afford not to get treatment?

Helping people is why I do what I do. I was truly amazed once I discovered the powerful effects that the methods I use has on pain. So, how do I work? Well, I work with you, normally with nothing more stressful than having a conversation. At the very worst, you may just feel very relaxed. It is effective because of the words I use and how I say them!

The feeling of helping someone to get out of pain is something I will always thrive on. Not only to see them reduce or get out of pain but the effect on their family. Not seeing your mum, dad or partner in pain must be so amazing. It was be such a relief for everyone.

Think about the benefits: less stress on your family, more freedom to do things, perhaps go back to work (and the financial benefit for your family).

So if you are in pain, BELIEVE that you could be pain free very soon.

If you are in Pain now, BELIEVE that you could be pain free very soon

I am right for you if one of these is you:


You have been fully checked by medical professionals


You have been told your pain can only be managed


You have had a diagnosis

I work with you for your unique experience. No two clients are ever the same. Everyone has their own experiences and causes for pain. The first step to being Pain free is to schedule a call to discuss your situation

Do you owe it to yourself and to those who care for you to remove or reduce your pain?

The next step starts with you but is easy - just click the button below to schedule a free 15 minute, no obligation video call to discover your unique plan.

Fibromyalgia Client

Hi Stephen, I thought I'd let you know how I've gotten on since treatment. I'm almost 3 weeks pain free, I've not had that for 5 years. Its also affected other Fibromyalgia symptoms, I'm sleeping better, my concentration has improved and yesterday I painted the kitchen something I could never have imagined doing 3 weeks ago. I'm careful not to over do things but my life is slowly returning to me, honestly I cant thank you enough.


Some common FAQs
Is it Safe?

It is completely safe, whichever method I use. I am talking to your subconscious mind, which may sound very "woo-woo" but this part of mind is being written to and accessed every second of the day.

What could prevent me from being pain free?

If you had a reason to hold onto the pain for any reason, then that could prevent you becoming pain free. An example could be if being pain free meant you would have to go back to work and you really didn't want to. We will go over these scenarios on the free scheduled call.

If you can help me as you claim, why doesn't my doctor or other suffers know about it?

Honestly, I don't know and it is frustrating to me. My belief is that doctors believe in medication and are not trained in the mind body connection. This is a great shame as I often find that the medication doesn't work and that what I do does*

*Please note - like all therapies and medical interventions, legally and ethically I cannot guarantee results. Any success from other individuals should not be taken as any such guarantee. I have to work with you as an individual and we will agree outcomes before hand

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