
Are you experiencing any of these signs of anxiety?

  • Palpitations
  • Panic attacks
  • Feeling of impeding doom
  • Worrying about something but you can't put your finger on it
  • Irritable bowel
  • Low mood
  • Fears of specific things
  • Phobia
  • Problem sleeping
  • Ruminating thoughts

You are at the right place! I have helped so many people just like you overcome anxiety to help transform their lives!

How can I help you with Anxiety?

Beyond Symptoms: Unleashing True Healing

Most people chase the symptoms when grappling with anxiety. Racing thoughts, heart palpitations - they’re like sirens, demanding attention. But here’s the truth: treating symptoms is a short-term fix. It’s like putting on a bandage on a deep wound - it might stop the bleeding, but the real healing lies beneath.

The Arm Analogy: Why Symptoms Aren’t the Whole Story

Imagine you stumble and hurt your arm. Sharp pain flares up. You take a painkiller, and poof - the pain subsides. But what if there’s more to it? What if you hurt your arm more than you thought? That pain won’t stop until you address the root cause.

Anxiety’s Stealthy Game

Anxiety plays the same game. It doesn’t vanish just because you silence the symptoms. It’s a persistent beast, ready to remind you it's still there. But fear not - I’m your guide. Whether you know the underlying trigger or you honestly have no idea why you would be anxious, I’ll unearth it. Together, we’ll defuse the emotional grenades, and anxiety will retreat. You don't even need to know what it was if you don't want!

Anxiety’s Stealthy Game

How? I wield a box of techniques - all forming part of my Anxiety Solution Program. The program is built using tools and techniques learnt from years of training and experience of what works for me. Brace yourself; we’re diving deep. Anxiety won’t stand a chance!

Not ready to book? Download your free Anxiety started pack today!

  • Relaxation & Anxiety Relief Hypnosis Mp3 download
  • All About Anxiety eBook, includes tips to reduce Anxiety download
  • Voucher for ONE FREE Phone Consultation with me, Stephen Bissett

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Anxiety is a huge topic!

When clients seek my help, they arrive with a myriad of challenges. Often, they don’t label it as anxiety—yet the tell tale signs are there. Anxiety, like a shape-shifting phantom, morphs into pain, anger, and other guises. But fear not; we wield the sword of truth.

Some examples of the issues I've dealt with while treating anxiety:

  • After Dark Road Warrior: Haunted by night-driving anxiety, stemming from a decades-old attack.
  • Heartbeat Navigator: Fear of leaving home, triggered by a single irregular heartbeat event.
  • House-Moving Warrior: Physical pain fueled by the anxiety of relocation.
  • Impostor Slayers: High-ranking professionals battling confidence demons through Impostor Syndrome.
  • Watery Terror: Anxiety surging from (unluckily) relentless house floods, despite many plumbers.
  • Stage Commanders: Fear of public speaking and social arenas.
  • Thought Wrestlers: Anxiety provoked by unwelcome, looping thoughts.

When you work with me we work together

Say goodbye to anxiety with the Anxiety Solution Program

This 1-2-1 coaching is a tailored solution that uncovers the root cause of your anxiety and clears it. Over (typically) 5 weeks we will meet for 1 hour per week on Zoom where you will feel progressively better.

Maybe you’re not keen on 1-2-1 coaching or your anxiety is a gentle whisper rather than a storm. No worries! Start with the Anxiety Solution Manual. Then, when you’re ready to level up, seamlessly transition to our 1-2-1 Anxiety Solution Program. And guess what? I’ll refund the cost of your manual

Don’t let anxiety steal another moment.

Invest in yourself today

To explore the 1-2-1 coaching program, click one of the buttons on the page to arrange a quick chat.

To purchase the manual, just click here

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